Tuesday, May 20, 2014

TOW #28: TOW Review

Throughout the year, I believe my TOWs have been greatly increasing in quality and effectiveness.


One of the first TOWs I ever wrote, my September 29 TOW about an article titled "Fed Too Familiar With Lost Labor Seeking New Messages for Policy" is a work of brilliance. I dedicate an entire paragraph to my reason for choosing the article and how well I believe the author achieved her purpose. My chosen rhetorical strategy is that the author "appeals to logos." I also use the phrase "I'm not sure if this next tool has a specific literary term," which I'm sure would have earned no less than a 5 on exam day.


By December 1, my writing had significantly improved. To start, I don't dedicate a paragraph to my own reactions and thoughts about "Catch a Cold, Go to Prison: The Recidivism Debate." I identify two strategies (word usage and juxtaposition) and give each of them a well-developed paragraph, quoting the article in each one. However, I still have absolutely no semblance of a conclusion.


Come March 9, I had again improved both the quality of my TOWs and the difficulty of my reading selections. I chose to read the article "Give the PAT the Boot" because it was about football and I knew next to nothing about football. I identified a single rhetorical strategy but thoroughly explained how it was used and what effect it had on the article. I then explained how the context of the article on the website also had an effect on the credibility of the article. I had much more of a conclusion than in the two previously mentioned TOWs and believe that this one was the strongest of the three, showing an upward trend in my writing.

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