Saturday, November 23, 2013

TOW #10: Article (Fixing Schools to Fix Chicago)

19,905 students graduated from Chicago public schools in June. In the same class, 9,310 students dropped out after ninth grade. This shocking statistic is the first used by the anonymous author of "Fixing Schools to Fix Chicago" in order to prove that the Chicago school system needs a drastic overhaul. He or she continues that only eight percent of public high school freshman in Chicago will go on to earn a bachelor's degree by their mid-twenties. After using these statistics to prove that dropouts are major problem in the city, the author lists reasons why the typical Chicagoan reader should care. The author explains, "Why should this matter to all Chicagoans? Because crime, joblessness, poverty — many of this city's ills — take root at home and fester in the classroom." He or she then goes into detail about how the high number of dropouts contributes to each problem. For example, dropouts are "140 times more likely to be in correctional institutions than their peers with college degrees." By using facts and examples, the author proves that this problem is both widespread and relevant to common interest.

The author ultimately wants readers to participate in a series of editorials the Chicago Tribune is running to plan a better city. Although the lack of a name attached to the article detracts from its credibility, the fact that it is part of an official Chicago Tribune project shows that the research and opinions presented are probably valid. I believe that the author's argument was convincing enough that many readers would have wanted to contribute to fixing the education system through this editorial series. Even if a reader has no children in the school system and does not have a personal interest in it, everybody wants less crime on the streets and wants to fund fewer food stamps. The author's argument was coherent and persuasive.

 Gerould W. Kern, Chicago Tribune Editor
This guy wants you to fix Chicago.,0,3575610.story

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